"Party Crashers" Long Relationship with Obama
2009-12-04 10:10:31 UTC
Obama's Palestinians "Party Crashers"

Canada Free Press - Printer Friendly Page
"Unprecedented first state dinner in a tent
Party Crashers had five-year relationship with Obama before state dinner
Judi McLeod Bio
By Judi McLeod Saturday, November 28, 2009

While the big gun media and American Secret Service are out there
investigating party crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi, no ones telling
the truth: Obama knew the Salahis when he was still an Illinois senator.

Polo Contacts Worldwide could make it easy for the investigating Secret
Service by brown-enveloping them this picture:

Hey Secret Agent Man, heres Obama, the senator flashing his pearly whites
with Randy Jackson, better known as a judge on American Idol. Others
pictured are Black Eyed Peas Rock Band; Tareq Salahi the President of the
Americas Polo Cup; President Elect Obama, Fergie from Black eyed Peas and
Michaele Salahi, posing this time as a former Miss USA and SuperModel.

Interesting little detail for White House gumshoes: As the above photo
was published in June 2005, Barack Obama was still Senator Obama and not
the President Elect.

And with Michaele Salahi yesterday having been caught outFacebook pompoms
notwithstandingas a bogus cheerleader for the Washington Red Skins and not
a model for Victorias Secret as claimed, Canada Free Press (CFP) leaves it
to FoxNews.com to find out if she ever was a former Miss USA.

We do know for a fact that among the slew of memberships on charitable
boards, Tareq Salahi is a former member of The American Task Force on
Palestine (ATFP). The only way to know for a fact is because even though
ATFP scrubbed all references to Salahi as a board member, he can still be
found on Google cache. (Canada Free Press)

Sad that White House Secret Service are looking like Keystone Kops in the
aftermath of Obamas very first state house dinner in the tent.

While the media is fixated on the hitch in Michaele Salahis git-along,
there can be no doubt that these recently minted party crashers really get

We take you back to June 9, 2005 when Tom Nelson, operating officer of
AARP, was summing up the Rock the Vote Awards night. According to the
Washington Post everyone from Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama to
American Idol judge Randy Jackson and R&B singer Mya gathered in the
National Building Museums Great Hall:

You were probably wondering, as you sat down at your table, What the heck
is the AARP doing in a Rock the Vote Event? Nelson noted.

Time would soon tell that the AARP would show up in other fishy places.

And if there is anyone who must know that this weekends party crasher
story is a crock its John McCain who was at the Vote Awards Night, and who
along with Barack Obama, was honored with the Rock the Nation Award, Obama
for forming a multiracial coalition in winning his seat.

McCain was handed his award for his work on campaign finance reform. Just
call me Funk Master McCain, he told the audience of 1,000 in accepting his
award.: (washingtonpost.com, June 9, 2005.

Meanwhile, dont know why Obamas long time associates possibly could be
mistaken for party crashers when they came into the tent with a Bravo
Reality TV Show Real Housewives of DC professional camera crew and makeup
artist in tow unless he was hoping for a Reality gig for wife Michelle,
CBS celebrity Katie Couric or Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Obama could end the party crasher goose chase for White House Secret
Service in a proverbial New York Minute by coming clean on his almost
5-year-old social/political relationship with Tareq and Michaele Salahi.

It could save money in these recessionary times and put an end to the
drama of Washingtons unprecedented first state dinner in a tent.

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Copyright Canada Free Press
Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the
print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the
Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,
Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com, and Glenn Beck.

Judi can be emailed at: judi-***@public.gmane.org

Older articles by Judi McLeod

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