Not Party Crashers At All
2009-12-04 09:57:31 UTC
About Those So-Called White House Party Crashers

When I read the news of a couple crashing the first White House state
dinner, I didn’t think much of it. However, thanks to the work of
bloggers who do the work the Obama worshipping, Muslim terrorst loving
mainstream media refuses to do, we now know that this couple were not
party crashers at all. It turns out that Obama had a five year
relationship with them. The real story here is that Obama didn’t want
the names of these visitors to show up in the White House Logs. So
instead, he’s making the Secret Service take the blame.

Here’s some background on the couple Tareq and Michaele Salahi.

Via the Canada Free Press, we have this picture of Obama, the Salahis and
the Black Eyed Peas.

Hey Secret Agent Man, here’s Obama, the senator flashing his pearly
whites with Randy Jackson, better known as a judge on American Idol.
“Others pictured are Black Eyed Peas Rock Band; Tareq Salahi the
President of the America’s Polo Cup; President Elect Obama, Fergie from
Black eyed Peas and Michaele Salahi, posing this time as a former Miss
USA and SuperModel.”


We do know for a fact that among the slew of memberships on
charitable boards, Tareq Salahi is a former member of The American Task
Force on Palestine (ATFP). The only way to know for a fact is because
even though ATFP scrubbed all references to Salahi as a board member, he
can still be found on Google cache. (Canada Free Press)
From Gateway Pundit, we learn more about Salahi’s involvement with the
American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP), and that this couple is
connected to Obama’s friend Rashid Khalidi.

Tareq Salahi, the polo-playing intruder, is a Palestinian nationalist
with ties to the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) , a
pro-Palestine lobby demanding the “right of return” for all
Palestinian refugees and their descendants. The “right of return” has
long been considered the backdoor to Israel’s destruction. But not only
that: ATFP President Ziad Asali is an America-basher who blamed 9/11 on
U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Asali was a lead U.S. official to
PLO terrorist Yassir Arafat’s funeral in 2004. And in a position paper
in 2007, the ATFP called for a power-sharing agreement at the Palestinian
Authority, which would have included the State Department’s
designated-terrorist group, Hamas.

Discover The Networks spells out ATFP’s connection to Obama’s friend
Rashid Khalidi.

ATFP’s President and Founder Ziad Asali was formerly President of
the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. ATFP’s Vice President
is Columbia University professor of Middle East Studies Rashid Khalidi,
the former Director of the PLO press agency and onetime moderator of the
PLO Advisory Committee.

Just to refresh your memory, Obama attended Rashid Khalidi’s
farewell/Israel bashing party in Chicago, and the kept whores at the L.A.
Times still refuse to release the videotapes of this event.


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