2009-11-01 09:24:49 UTC
NEW submission policies for PNEWS-L and for DARK MATTER:

PNEWS is a distribution link-list for links to important news and views. [Not for promoting your site no commercial posting. Advertising will not be tolerated and all submissions will be reviewed before they are accepted.]. Links should include a short one or two paragraph summary as a preface and a link to the entire news or views item. Also see the CRYPT, a depository of articles from the Worm Hole and the Epsilon Weblog.

DARK MATTER has moved to dark-matter-***@public.gmane.org
Dark Matter is a distribution list for articles. Nothing has change except the address so if you were subscribed at Dark Matter here, you must resubscribe at the following address:

Group Email Addresses
Related Link: http://inyourface.info/
Post message: dark-matter-***@public.gmane.org
Subscribe: dark-matter-subscribe-***@public.gmane.org
Unsubscribe: dark-matter-unsubscribe-***@public.gmane.org
List owner: dark-matter-owner-***@public.gmane.org

[wormhole] replaces the old Dark Matter. To continue receiving articles from Dark Matter, send "subscribe wormhole" (without quotes) in subject line to:
