[wormhole] The Planet Has a Fever
2010-01-03 01:37:59 UTC
Hank Roth, on the InterNUT since 1982 Past (post) Commander Jewish War
Veterans - Cryptologist and Voice Security in the White House and NSA
(assigned in civilian capacity [not uniformed] with officer status)
(58-59). War Room for JCS (63)at the Pentagon/worked for Chiefs of Staff
during Vietnam War. COMZREAR (Orleans. France - 59-62). Yom Kipper War
1973 - Israel.

BIO [with pics] http://inyourface.info/bio/


The Planet Has A Fever

by Hank Roth

Gaia is a metaphor for a living earth. It is not a god. Gaia represents
the regulating system of earth. And it determines the planet's well-being.
It is the earth and its molton core. It extends into the upper atmosphere
surrounding the planet.

Gaia determines the well-being of the living earth and the survivability
of all living organisms.

Viruses are technically not living so this doesn't concern their
survivability but how we treat our planet does determine whether or not
our progeny has any kind of chance here.

Maybe you don't care? I am not sure it really matters all that much since
I don't see anything so great about living things. Our importance is
largely overstated. But I do care about other sentient living things. I
care about the animals who have feelings and don't understand what is
happening to them because of our mismanagement of the planet.

Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake by the Inquisition. Why? Because he
suggested the earth was alive. That was over 400 years ago. I suppose the
earth is alive in so far as it hangs in space, held there by magnetism and
gravity, which is principally a product of planetary gravitational balance
on each other.

The planet is under great stress. It is getting hotter. Lynn Margulis,
widow of Carl Sagen and scientist says about the planet, she is a "tough
bitch." I'd say life is really tough and it is also a bitch much of the
time just surviving in this hostile environment. Even oxygen, which we
think we must have, will kill us. And we must have it. It is as important
to us as light is to plants for respiration. But increase the levels and
we have may explode.
From introduction to James Lovelock wrote in The Revenge of Gaia, Earth's
Climate Crisis; The Fate of Humanity, by James Lovelock - 2006, by Crispin

"The sun's heat on the Earth is steadily increaasing, and eventually the
self-regulation on which life depends will be put at risk. Looking at the
global ecosystem as a whole, human population increase, degradation of
land, depletion of resources, accumulation of wastes, pollution of all
kinds of climate change, abuses of technology, and destruction to
biodiversity in all its forms together constitute a unique threat to human
welfare unknwwn to previous generations..."

James Lovelock said "if we fail to take care of the Earth, it surely will
take care of itself by making us no longer welcome."

I distinctly get the feeling the welcome mat has been taken in. The world
is in turmoil and the planet is sick. As humans, (other animals too) are
genetically programmed to look after their own. We are tribal groups
trying to kill or eat each other. Singularity is a libertarian scam. We
could only get there if we fixed the present and that isn't going to
Living Earth

AND AS IT WARMS living things will die. This transformation began in
ernest with the agricultural period.

Lovelace sums it up nicely, though it is not comforting to read these

"Even if we stopped immediately all further seizing of Gaia's land and
water for food and fuel production and stopped poisoning the air, it would
take the Earth more than a thousand years to recover from the damage we
have ALREADY DONE, and it may be too late even for this drastic step to
save us..." (Lovelace)

The Hot State of Global Warming is Irreversible

The Earth, if self-regulating, is running a fever. In the history of the
Earth similar conditions have arisen some 55 million years ago - then due
to a geological accident where more than a terraton of carbon was released
into the atmosphere causing the temperature to rise about 8 degrees
Celsius in the arctic and temperate regions and about 5 degrees Celsius in
the tropics. That small rise caused a temperature shift which took a
hundred thousand years before the temperature of the Earth returned to
what Lovelock considered normalcy.

Lovelock writes, "We have already put more than half this quantity of
carbon gases into the air and now the Earth is weakened by the loss of
land we took to feed and house ourselves. In addition, the sun is now
warmer, and as a consequence the Earth is now returning to the hot state
it was in before, millions of years ago, and as it warms, MOST LIVING
THINGS WILL DIE. ONCE started, the move to a hot state is IRREVERSIBLE,
and even if all the good intentions expressed at the Kyoto and Montreal
meetings were executed immediately, they would not alter the outcome...."

"Much of the tropical land mass will become scrub and desert and will no
longer serve for regulation, thus adding to the 40 percent of the Earth's
surface we have already depleted to feed ourselves..."

Even if we did everything to stop climate change it won't reverse the
damage we have done. If this hot state is irreversible, civilization may
not survive and normalcy is just something we will remember from our
history which will also disappear.

We will disappear but our atoms will not. Gaia will live on and microbes
will re-inherit the earth. AND in the geological and cosmological time
line it may be nothing more than a brief moment in time.

by Hank Roth


Excerpts provided here are pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine
for educational and discussion purposes per
Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, Copyright Law.
Permalink: http://inyourface.info/ArT/Chi/EaF.shtml

Today is Saturday January 02, 2010

G 0 l e m D e s i g n s
Hank Roth (on the Internet since 1982)
Worm Hole (Home) - The Crypt - Hank Roth (Bio)

While I don't use a standard blog (weblog software) mostly because I've
been doing this too long - having been there with Ike when the precursor
to the Internet, Arpanet got started and every step of the way since, I
can't get into all the many fads over the years (now it is social
networking), but I have been an observer and participant in events which
shape the world since my time with NSA and with Army Security and as a
voice security cryptologist in the White House for the President, and the
War Room at the Pentagon for the Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff plus two
wars. You could say this site is one of the better kept secrets [grin] on
the InterNUT. You are invited back as often as you would like to see what
I and others, I trust, may be saying.
-- Hank Roth
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Hank Roth
